How can I make my younger brother feel good when I don’t realize what actually he is up to “or” I can betray his thoughts for a while & get him intermingled where he totally forgets what he was bothered about a while ago… Here I am unable to satisfy my brother and a little trick to get him off the track was enough while he still feels comfort with mw even after not succeeded in getting what he wanted.

A poor man is neither agitated in the matters, the politicians are involved in, rather he gives priority to his work of 100 or 150 rupees per day and his couple of kid and parent who are also to be taken care with that money. But that alone man is certainly gets involved in the after math of all the diplomatic happenings and activities throughout the uncertain span of 24 hour, from crowded and blocked roads because of elite people’s passing by to uncertain hike in price of household commodities which are inevitable for him & family to be dealt with.
Oil price goes high; a common man never knows the actual reason but the few rumours home in his “content” brain of sheer thoughts. International oil productivity & consumption and their fiscal matters, are not a common man’s knowledge’s part, and so, he is happy, when the prices are down but he strikes in streets against high prices of oil and sometimes he is found in a bus, fighting over increased fare and that’s all he does (that’s all he can).
Why prices of household commodities rise and what factors lead it to, what committees of government do after a long conversation even though no relief or solution is evaluated. Adventurism of electricity still play a daily “NOW ON” “NOW IT’S OFF” game and people are still unaware of the genuine explanation which could lead them to think of, rather they get a contention plea report or and order urging to show more endurance with what they are tangled with.
Assassination story never gets unfolded but mere guesses and long debates rather a serious step to reveal the beats. Hundreds of bombs exploded not a single successful inquiry came on screen. Thousands of innocents are murdered daily and they receive the death they are not destined for, deadly game of war on terror never belongs to them but they are certainly main participant of it, just to be dead for no reason.
The education system would be blamed, as solely root cause about people’s unawareness and less intervention into state’s matter, for as many time as any such issue comes into debates and where people are unable to find any other easy targeted department of authority. Muslims of subcontinent were not literate for what they bestowed with at the end of war a granted blessing. Blacks of Africa had no such education which could not get them similar rights and identification which the white enjoy. That if, to be credited, the leaders would get the regards, the struggles, the hard time, intellectualism the endued and believed, that real prosperity lies in the wisdom and valour of common men which ultimately becomes the power of any nation.
Bunch of political and social matters certainly creates a web of issues and topics under discussion by the politicians and T.V anchor who debate every single story of what’s happening in and out. All these complicated matters intermingled in a poor “occupied” brain does not pinch much then to how to earn some money to live up to the next day. Seems like the politicians and T.V channels are confusing the simple folk of the society pilling up several matters and letting the people know about them as if that is there problem, it rather pushes them forth to be more fused to think what they are told and not reckoning them of their own needs and where the stand. The clever people are taking this whole scenario as a game. They know they can do what others can’t convince so quickly. So they use those cards which have nothing to do with the actual story.
Perhaps, it’s easier to talk about issue and arguing instead of doing what is required.

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